Rowan University Campus Master Plan Web Site. Click to navigate to the home page.

Project Schedule

The master plan process takes approximately one year to complete.  The project began with a series of kick-off meetings and interviews on campus on November 30th-December 2nd.  The work is divided into three phases as described below.

Phase 1:  Inventory, Site Reconnaissance & Program Assessment December 2004 to March 2005

The master planning process will begin with an investigation to determine existing campus conditions, to reaffirm the University’s goals, and to ascertain the key issues to be addressed. This will include an inventory of base information, a reconnaissance of the campus and surrounding environs, work sessions and interviews to identify needs, concerns, policies and priorities, and assessments of pedestrian and vehicular circulation, parking, buildings, utilities, stormwater management systems and landscape elements.

Phase 1 will involve a comprehensive consultation process with the University community beginning with a multi-day reconnaissance visit by the Sasaki team. This visit will commence with a project initiation meeting with the Master Planning Committee for the purpose of defining directions and preliminary issues to be addressed in the master planning process, and will be followed by a series of interviews with department heads and various administrators. Particular attention will be paid to the need to connect the main campus with the new West Campus and provide links to downtown Glassboro. This phase will also involve work sessions with the Master Planning Committee, presentations to the campus community, and a presentation to the facilities subcommittee of the Board.

Phase 2:  Concept Alternatives
April 2005 to August 2005
REVISED:  May 2005 to January 2006

The concept alternatives phase of work will examine the most favorable and acceptable options for near-term and long-term campus development. The concept alternatives will address opportunities for the University by comparing options for land use, building use, reuse and program accommodations, circulation and parking, open space, and the overall campus integration. Massing and context, as well as location, will be of particular concern when considering the siting of the student center/recreation center. Alternatives for building reuse and program location will be explored to facilitate planning and decision-making. By making a comparative assessment of the concept alternatives with the University administration and the Master Planning Committee, the intent is to achieve a preferred option or hybrid of options.

The sequence of work in the concept planning phase will be to establish and investigate up to three (3) concept alternatives, and to select and refine a preferred alternative or combination of alternatives, to be developed as the preferred concept.

Phase 3:  Master Plan Documentation
September 2005 to December 2005
REVISED:  February 2006 to December 2006

The master plan phase will be devoted to detailed development and documentation of the preferred plan. The plan will be a guide to decision-making and to the physical design of the campus for the five- and ten-year plan horizons, based on the identified goals and objectives of the University, and will also illustrate the long-term build out potential of the campus. The plan will define a structure for improvement while remaining flexible in response to resource allocations, unanticipated changes and phasing capabilities. It will prioritize immediate and long-term strategies, articulate phasing approaches, identify specific target projects for implementation, and include conceptual cost projections for capital projects. The plan will also provide a foundation document for the University to use in supporting capital fund requests, and will delineate the “common vision” to be followed in making future development decisions. A printed version of the final plan can be supplemented with an interactive web-based version.

Work Schedule

There will be several points throughout the process where the Sasaki Team will be on campus.

Worksession 1:  Kick-off Meetings/Interviews
November 30th - December 2nd, 2004
Rowan University - Glassboro Campus

Rowan Faculty, Staff & Students
Glassboro Representatives

To interview members of the Rowan community about their issues and goals for the process and the campus.

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Worksession 2:  Preliminary Analysis & First Public Forum
February 15-16, 2005
Open Forum 1:30-3pm  Rowan Hall Auditorium
Rowan University - Glassboro Campus

Master Plan Steering Committee
Board of Trustees Facilities Subcommittee
Public Forum - open to all


Sasaki will present the status of inventory and analysis work and offer the community an opportunity to comment. 

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Worksession 3:  Analysis Summary & Preliminary Alternatives - Second Public Forum
May 18-19, 2005
Open Forum 1:00-3:00pm Rowan Auditorium
Rowan University - Glassboro Campus

Master Plan Steering Committee
Board of Trustees
Public Forum - open to all


Present Phase 1 Analysis  and Capacity Study to the Master Plan Steering Committee, Board of Trustees and Campus Community.

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Worksession 4:  Interim Worksession
October 4-5, 2005 & November 16, 2005

Rowan University - Glassboro Campus

Master Plan Steering Committee
Board of Trustees
Master Plan Subcommittees
Rowan University Staff representing Residence Life, Facilities, Public Safety, and the South Jersey Tech Park

Review project status and supplementary studies with Master Plan Committees and Board of Trustees.

View Schedules:  4 & 4B

Worksession 5:  Preferred Alternative
January 12-13, 2006
Rowan University - Glassboro Campus

Master Plan Steering Committee
Board of Trustees
Master Plan Subcommittees
Rowan University Staff representing Residence Life, Facilities, Public Safety, and the South Jersey Tech Park

Worksession with Steering Committee  

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Worksession 6:  Draft Master Plan Review & Third Public Forum
May 5, 2006
Rowan University

Master Plan Steering Committee
Board of Trustees Facilities Subcommittee
Public Forum - open to all

Review draft Master Plan with the Master Plan Steering Committee and Public Forum to discuss the draft master plan.

Worksession 7:  Final Presentation
May 15, 2006
Rowan University - Glassboro Campus

Full Board Meeting

Present final Master Plan to the Board of Trustees.

Photograph of a computer mouse on a desk calendar.



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