Rowan University Campus Master Plan Web Site

Bunce HallIllustrative Plan Detail - New Bunce Hall AreaMay 2005 Open Forum Presentation

A Message From the Master Plan Committee Co-Chairs: 
Joe Orlins & Tom Gallia

The campus of Rowan University has grown over the years, and developments on the campus now will affect learning and scholarship in southern New Jersey for decades to come.   To help guide this growth, the University is in the midst of a major revision to its Campus Master Plan.   The plan is being developed by Sasaki Associates, in conjunction with Rowan's Campus Master Plan Committee.  

The Master Plan Committee is made up of broad cross-section of the University community, including students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Its members help identify major planning issues and develop strategies that address University needs. The group is divided into six sub-committees:

•  Academic Facilities
•  Building Design Standards
•  Land Use, Building Siting and Environmental Issues
•  Landscape and Campus   Image
•  Student and Athletic Facilities
•  Pedestrian Safety, Transportation and Parking

The new Campus Master Plan will define a university environment that inspires and educates the campus, community, and region through architecture, landscaping, public art, sustainable design, and energy efficiency.   Our goal is that the University's physical settings should become models to which others turn for information, education, and inspiration.

On this website, you will find information about the goals, progress, and products of our new Campus Master Plan.  

We invite you to visit often, and to let us know your thoughts on our campus plans.

What's New?

Check out the Useful Links, especially the "Work-To-Date" in order to learn more about the process.

May 15 , 2006
The team presented the final plan -- including comments from the public forum on May 5th -- to the Board of Trustees.  The next step is for the Rowan Community to recommend the Master Plan to the Board and for the Board to vote to ratify it. 

May 5 , 2006
At this final public presentation, the framework plan was described, including new buildings, future pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns, future parking, new and enhanced open spaces, the new signage plan, and improvements to Route 322.  The develop-ment plans for the West Campus were also highlighted. 

January 13, 2006
At this worksession, the team presented updates to the three ongoing sub-studies and presented a preliminary analysis of the space use on campus.  This analysis will be the basis for generating a building program for the short- and long-term that will be illustrated in the final Master Plan.

November 16, 2005
At this worksession, the team presented the findings and alternatives for the 322 Corridor Study and the North Dorms Landscape Study. 

October 14, 2005
This worksession focused on several studies that are intended to complement the master plan and provide more detail in key areas.  These include the 322 Corridor Study, the North Dorms Landscape Study and the Signage and Wayfinding Study.  The team also gave the Board an update on the master plan.

May 23, 2005
The Sasaki Team was on campus on May 10th for a worksession with the Steering Committee and with members of the Facilities Planning and Construction group.  The Team also spent two days on campus, May 18th & 19th.  On the 18th, Sasaki presented at an open forum which drew members of the campus community as well as representatives from Glassboro and surrounding communities.  That evening, we met at Borough Hall with the Design Committee from the Glassboro Mainstreets Initiative.  On May 19th, the Team met with the Board of Trustrees to talk about campus capacity and start discussions about academic and strategic planning.

April 26, 2005
Saski is currently working on preparations for Worksession #3.  These include signage analysis, preliminary programming studies and an understanding of complex traffic and parking needs as the planning moves forward.  Work is beginning on a series of broad development concepts which will shape the way the campus master plan is developed.

March 1 , 2005
Members of the Sasaki team were on-campus February 15-18 for meetings with the Master Plan Steering Committee, President Farish, various Master Plan sub-committees, and Borough of Glassboro representatives. In addition, the team held a public forum in Rowan Hall Auditorium that was open to all, including the communities surrounding the campus.  Click here or go to Work-To-Date to view the presentation.

January 28 , 2005:  The project is currently about halfway through Phase 1: Inventory, Site Reconnaissance & Program Assessment.  To date we are still in the process of collecting data and analyzing existing conditions to inform our understanding of the critical issues for the master plan to address.







Upcoming Meetings

As the active master planning process is concluded, there are no more public meetings scheduled.  The Master Plan Steering and Subcommittees will continue to meet regularly to provide guidance on the plan implementation. Please contact members of the committee directly, or use this link to send us master plan comments:
Master Plan Feedback




Useful Links

Campus Map

Rowan University Home


Campus Planning Guiding Principals (.pdf)

Background and Planning Assumptions (.pdf)

Borough of Glassboro

National Mainstreets Program