These goals were generated through the planning team's discussions
with a variety of University faculty, staff, and students over
our initial 3-day kick-off worksession. They are intended
to guide and focus the master planning process so that it addresses
the key issues facing the University. The six goals are
listed here. Below this, each one has a series of sub-goals
to help describe the general nature of the each goal. The
sub-goals are not intended to be comprehensive, but rather representative
of the intent of each goal.
In achieving these goals, the planning team will
address the Campus
Master Plan Committee's Guiding Principles, which articulate
the values and needs of the campus community with respect to campus
1. Determine the best strategies to
accommodate growth on campus should resources become available.
2. Identify ways that the University can play
a role in the economic growth of the surrounding Glassboro community.
3. Develop the West Campus land to integrate
it physically and programmatically with the main campus.
4. Improve the quality of the physical environment
on the campus.
5. Create a strategy for evaluating the best
use of existing facilities.
6. Help the University prepare a plan for
continued transition to a residential campus.
1. Determine the best strategies to accommodate
growth on campus should resources become available.
Place academic goals within the context of South Jersey's
regional growth.
Develop a plan to accommodate potential growth.
Identify levels of undergraduate and graduate growth, program
growth and location (e.g. Glassboro or Camden)
2. Identify ways that the University can play
a role in the economic growth of the surrounding Glassboro community.
Improve connections to Glassboro by creating a pedestrian
friendly community.
Integrate the proposed Rowan Boulevard redevelopment
Review the University's role in transit-oriented growth
for hte region -- including potential rail transit.
3. Develop the West Campus land to integrate
it physically and programmatically with the main campus.
In conjunction with the strategic and academic planning
assess the program for the West Campus.
Create pedestrian and non-vehicular connections to the
South Jersey Technology Park (SJTP) and future West Campus.
Create a north-south connection between the SJTP and the
West Campus parcel south of Rt. 322.
Strategically address intercollegiate athletics and campus
recreational needs.
Improve connections with surrounding communities including
Harrison, Mantua, and Pitman.
4. Improve the quality of the physical environment
on the campus.
Improve physical connections - especially the north-south
pedestrian connections across Rt. 322.
Enhance the "first impressions" of the campus by improving
public entrances and access points to the campus.
Create more usable open space on campus.
Establish a hierarchy of open spaces on campus.
Identify ways the University can enhance the natural and
built environment.
Make improvements to the stream corridor to transform it
into a real campus amenity.
Plan and provide for the placement and display of public
art in community spaces.
5. Create a strategy for evaluating the best
use of existing facilities.
Assess the utilization and efficiency of older buildings
on campus.
Recommend strategic renovations, additions and enhancements
of existing buildings.
Recommend strategic demolition.
6. Help the University prepare a plan for continued
transition to a residential campus.
Assess the mix of housing types and how it meets the developmental
progression of students.
Increase housing opportunities on or near