Planning Process
The development of the Cal Poly Pomona Master Plan is a long-term process that began in 2007 and is expected to conclude in early 2012. The planning process is currently in the CEQA review phase, which will run into Fall 2011.
The planning process is organized around six phases:
A. Project Initiation & Goal Identification
Kick-off meetings, including a presentation at Fall Conference 2007. Interviews with deans, administrators, and key campus stakeholders including the ASI Senate. Included workshops on the Northeast Quadrant and a Sustainability Forum.
List of Interviewees (PDF 23KB)
B. Program Data Collection & Analysis
Review of existing campus programming and planning information, such as facilities evaluations and capital improvement programs, as well as adjacent land use plans. Identified opportunities and constraints to campus development. An open campus forum was held in February 2010 to review and confirm this information and solicit feedback.
Campus Forum Presentation - Vision (PDF 2.3MB)
Campus Forum Presentation - Existing Conditions (PDF 4.8MB)
Trends affecting the campus (PDF 1.9MB)
Comparisons with other universities (PDF 2.1MB)
C. Master Plan Development Alternatives
Creation of planning principles. Identification of projects needed and requested, as well as sites for potential renovation, redevelopment, and new construction - including open space and circulation needs. Development of alternative scenarios of land use and site utilization, to be presented to the campus at an open forum.
Planning Principles (PDF 33KB)
Potential development sites (PDF 200KB)
D. Draft Master Plan Documentation
Writing of draft Master Plan, including recommendations for land use, utilization of existing buildings, future project sites, circulation and parking, and open space and landscape. Timelines and conceptual cost estimates will be included. The draft Master Plan will be presented for review by the campus community.
Draft Illustrative Plan (PDF 280KB)
E. CEQA Review
Environmental Impact Review (EIR) of the draft Master Plan, including a public review period.
Notice of Preparation (April 2011)
Environmental Initial Study (April 2011)
F. Final Master Plan
Incorporation of comments on draft Master Plan and EIR and release of final version for University approval.
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